A Place where friends come to Dance and have Fun.

AGS Annual Penguin Plus Dance  Jan 30

Caller: Heather Reynolds

Mike has been calling for over 10 years. He calls the New Dancer program for Abbotsford Grand squares. He also calls New Dancer program for Chilliwack Rhythm Reelers

Steve Edlund
Steve will be calling Plus Dances Thursday evenings.
Steve has been calling for over 40 years. He is known far and wide. He has guest called in the United States, Europe and Japan.
He also calls for Surrey Square Wheelers and Royal Swingers.



We are having a Benefit Dance for Backpack Buddies Starfish Program March 08 2025.

From 1pm to 3:30 pm

Calling : Steve Edlund , Heather Reynolds, Chris Knowles , & Ron Booiman.

Cuers : Brian & Darlene Penny

Door Prize , Raffle  , Refreshments

Come Join us for an afternoon of Fun dancing for a Great Cause