Our Dance Nights
Mainstream Dancing: Monday evenings. Caller/Teacher: Mike Rohde.
Dance Time: 7:00 - 9:00 pm. Social time 8:10 pm to 8:20
New Dancers: Classes start the 2nd Monday of September each year.
First three classes are FREE.
All classes closed to new dancers after the first 3 weeks of the 'New Dancer' year.
Another New Dancer year starts the following September.
Plus Dancing: Thursday evenings. Caller/Cuer/Teacher: Steve Edlund.
Time: 7:00 - 9:00 Includes Round Dancing. Social Time 8:10 - 8:20 pm.
Dance year from 2nd week of September to 3rd week of June.
Place: All Dances at ASAA Hall, 33889 Essendene Avenue, Abbotsford.
We dance some statutory holidays.
Contact: Daphne Bakker 604 768 6049